Youth Workshop Program
VietHope recognized that the opportunity to interact, to learn experiences, and to be inspired by leading experts and entrepreneurs is very important in the young people's development, especially when they are highly motivated and eager to change themselves.
On the other hand, VietHope realized that some experts and entrepreneurs also want to spread the fire and share their experiences with the next generations. For that reason, since 11/2015, VietHope has founded the Youth Workshop Program (YWP) with a mission to create and provide those wonderful opportunities to young people and to the experts.
Youth Workshop Program (YWP) is a series of free talk shows for young people, especially for those from local areas in Saigon, Can Tho, and Hue. The themes of those talk shows are chosen from those topics that young people are interested in and also provide necessary skills to them in their personal development journey.
Every year, the program hosts 4 talk shows in Saigon, 2 talk shows in Can Tho, and 1 talk show in Hue. Meanwhile, those talk shows are also broadcast live on Facebook Fanpage so that people from other places can watch.
Since 11/2015, VietHope has hosted successfully 22 talkshows that have attracted 3,273 young people to attend and 40 thousands views on our Facebook fan page.
Talk 1: Life management
Talk 2: Passion and career
Talk 3: Networking to succeed in career and in life
Talk 4: Inspirations and reading habit for young people
Talk 5: The bravery of young people behind their decisions
Talk 6: Time management
Talk 7: Study abroad: a door to the world
Talk 8: Working for Start-up or big companies?
Talk 9: How to get a job after graduation in experts' perspectives
Talk 10: How to choose working environment: challenges and opportunities
Talk 11: Resumes and interviews
Talk 12: 4.0 Industry revolution
Talk 13: How to get a job after graduation
Talk 14: How to learn English effectively
Talk 15: Independent thinking at work
Talk 16: Critical Thinking - a way to success
Talk 17: Get a good job with English skills
Talk 18: Startup stories from 8x generation
Talk 19: Are books the best tool to learn new knowledge ?
Talk 20: Advanced education?
Talk 21: Questioning skill-a key for changing life
Talk 22: Me 2.0-How to build a personal brand to attract recruiters
Talk 23: Valuable lesson from best global universities
MiniTalk 24: Active listening in English
Talk 25: Grab the New Normal opportunities
Talk 26: Resilience: Overcoming stress on your own
Talk 27: AI or Ai?
“Talkshow 4 is the first talk show that I have ever attended. In my opinion, you have done a good job, form preparing the event to inviting such matching speakers to the topic, hence the long talk show did not bore the audience, and I found new knowledge every single time the speaker said. [...] Once again, I want to thank VietHope. I hope in the future I can have a chance to support VietHope in the long run in creating more and more meaningful talk shows."
Student of University of Medicine Phạm Ngọc Thạch - participant of Talk 4
“Today I saw many raising hands, both male and female. That's a good sign. It is interesting that this familiar topic may cause indifference to those who think "What's the point discussing this? Just keep doing as you usually do.“ That's why I think it is encouraging that these students find this topic worth brainstorming together."

Through talk shows and open forums, YWP offers you the opportunity to gain real-world insights from inspiring business and career professionals..
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